Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thirst and Counseling

Wow! A lot has happened in the days since I last posted.  My bestie Sarah and I have begun leading a small group for our church.  Since the Bible study we're doing currently is entitled "Thirst," during our first meeting we decorated big wine goblets with our names and pretty designs- we plan on featuring a different beverage for the girls to enjoy every week.  Our first beverage was this yummy raspberry sherbert wedding punch- mm mmmm!!

Also, I had a meeting with my awesome pastor and his wife (who, have I mentioned, are AWESOME) this morning about where my life is headed and how to attack these goals.  As you know, I want to get my masters in counseling, and they believe in that for me, which is an incredible show of support and faith for me.  They brought to my attention how much cheaper getting my degree at a state school would be, and how it would open more doors than going to seminary would.  Especially because I don't want to be a "biblical counselor," I want to be a counselor who knows Truth and draws FROM the Bible.  Also, if I go to seminary, it only opens doors to Christian counseling which, while that is, indeed, the kind of counseling I want to do, until I find a church that can pay a full-time counselor on staff, I'll need to work in different places.  This seems like one big run-on thought... but I'm slowly working through all these things.  Maybe I'll stay here and go back to my alma mater?  They do have a grad program in psychology/counseling.  AND last night in my Power Yoga class, an old friend showed up whom I haven't seen in almost a year- she was suddenly back to school to pursue HER masters in psychology and counseling AT our alma mater! CRAZY!  So...I'm still not quite sure what I'm going to do, but I am finally at the point where I know I have to do something.  Pastor Joe said this morning that he hears so often from people that they're waiting for the "rock from heaven" to fall and show them where to go or what to do.  He said I needed to move... to walk....to just get started, and the Lord would nudge me in the right direction.  It's much easier to steer a rolling stone than get it started. So I suppose it's time to start...rolling.

Something else very...coincidental...happened recently.  High School Girls Ministry has been something laid on my heart for a very, very long time.  Not getting involved in the youth group is the one great regret I have from my last church.  I was told very recently that while our church is now looking for a full-time Youth Minister, they have college-aged students- leaders- who hang out with the youth group, go on trips with them, and hang with them during the Wednesday service, etc... but right now they only have male students helping out. They have absolutely no female help.  Calling my name, maybe?!  The problem is that I teach yoga Wednesday nights from 4:30-9, and their youth group meets at 7 pm.  Well, I thought this was strangely coincidental, so I talked to my boss about it, told her everything I felt for so long, and how strange all these coincidental things seem...and her FIRST response was, "Then we'll work it out, babe.  If this is your path, we'll make it work."  How lovely is she!!

So, again, I'm not totally positive what's going to happen, or where I'm going to go...or stay... but I am SO excited to get the ball rolling...no pun intended... and see what awesome plans the Lord is very clearly pursuing me to show me!

Currently watching: a Friends marathon!

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