Friday, March 30, 2012

Old Testament Nuggets, Vol. 1

 Numbers and Deuteronomy Truths 

I've been in the process of reading the entire bible in 365 days. Let me tell you, it's been somewhat of a trial. When I was in Leviticus, I ignored my reading for almost a month- it was just overwhelming- very dry, very draining. But I finally made it out, and then on through Numbers (which I actually really enjoyed), and now I'm cruising through Deuteronomy, which I also really enjoy, as a matter of fact.

As I'm reading things I've never read before (who chooses to spend time in the ooollllld Old Testament??), I'm learning an incredible amount of truths! Truths that have really come alive for me recently. So I thought I'd share some of the things God has been revealing to me:

1. Numbers 11:4-6
I am SO like the Israelites- give me good, or rest, or peace, or even just ordinary for a short while, and I become restless and start finding things to complain about.

2. Numbers 11:10-15
Moses being incredibly upfront and honest with God. I should learn from this. My prayers can be flowery or too wordy. I shouldn't be afraid to be honest with God. I shouldn't be afraid to tell Him how I really feel- verses 16 and 17 show me that God listens to what I have to say, and answers me, making a way where I thought there was none.

3. Numbers 21:6-9
The Lord punished the sin.
The people repented.
The Lord allowed temporary pain to continue (i.e. the snakes didn't disappear, or stop biting), but...
The Lord took away the permanent consequences (i.e. He made a way for them to live after having been bitten).

4. Numbers 23:12
This has become one of my favorite chapters in the OT. It's really full of truth and encouragement. This verse in particular really spoke to me: "Must I not speak what the Lord has put in my mouth?" When the Lord reveals something to me, do I hide it? Do i ignore it? Or do I speak it with boldness and compassion? It goes hand-in-hand with verse 26, "Did I not tell you I must do whatever the Lord says?" It's not just about the things you say, but about your actions. Your follow-throughs. If we are imitators of God, then we imitate both His promise and His follow-through, as seen in the next truth:

5. Numbers 23:19-20
When God says something, He means it. His promises are always fulfilled. But so are His warnings.

6. Deuteronomy 1:29-31
God carries us around like a father carries his children! What a beautiful thought, particularly for those of us who grew up without a father or even a father figure, or who grew up around a dad who was absent, abusive, or apathetic.

7. Deuteronomy 1:41-42
God asked the Israelites to do something and they refused. When He took away their inheritance (blessing), they freaked out and tried to hurry up and do what He had originally asked them to do. We learn:
a. There can be a time limit for blessings and promises if we refuse to obey God.
b. There are consequences to our disobeying (or even just not obeying) God.
He could have let them try, but He didn't. He knew the disastrous outcome for their behavior and warned them against it. Not because He wanted to say, "I told you so," but because He loved them and wanted to keep them safe, even after their disobedience.

8. Deut. 2:1-23
The Lord gave specific instruction to the Israelites as they went, to protect both them AND the people God had already promised things to (inheritance). He doesn't forget His promises, ever.

9. Deut. 8:5
God not only carries us as a father carries his son (Deut. 1:31), but He also disciplines us as a father does his son. This is necessary, and although it might hurt for the moment, it's important for our growth as His children. If we don't have limits and boundaries, we don't learn what is good and safe and healthy, and what is not. Just as in our relationships to our earthly parents (or children).

10. Deut. 10:12-22
A really powerful passage about the need to love and fear God, and His love for us, not in return, but firstly. He has already done the work. All we have to do is acknowledge it, remember it, and love Him.

11. Deut. 10:14-15
This is my favorite part of the above passage. Everything belongs to God, but He chose us, and loves us. Wow.

12. Deut. 11:16
"Be careful, or..." We must never let our guard down, even in the land of promise.

These are just my own personal musings, and the things I feel the Lord is speaking to my heart as I read through His Word. He might be telling you something different for your own personal walk with Him, or pointing out other passages that are specific to you today. Just listen to Him- He knows best and will walk with you until you get it right. And by that time, we'll be walking next to Him in Eternity, praise the Lord!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Resolution March: What?!?!

I really thought I had this month figured out. I really thought I had a decent handle on things. Really, I did!  I was going to focus this month on eating clean, healthy, and good.  Wherever I went, I would make the healthiest choice possible.  This wasn't going to be a bunch of unrealistic limitations or boundaries, simply a chance to DECIDE to MAKE healthy CHOICES.  See? All within my grasp, even with as much as I adore sugar and carbs.

Then my sickness melted in from February. How do I eat healthy when all I want to do is be in bed?  Then a group of my friends and I helped my mom unload all her possessions from a uhaul into her new apartment, and she bought everyone pizza.  How do you get people to feel comfortable enough to just grab some pizza offered from a woman they just met, in an apartment they've never been to before?  You eat some first.  Then the youth group I work with had a pancake party.  How do you build relationships at a pancake party? You eat the dang pancakes. 

Needless to say............this month has not started well.  I met with my discipleship leader, Natalie, a few days ago, and it was the first chance in several weeks that we'd had to meet, due to her family being sick, and then my own sickness.  It was a really incredible time of discipleship, prayer, and refocusing. The main theme I got from this meeting was that it's very apparent that this month is not meant for food or physical health.  This month is meant for the Lord, and my relationship with Him.

I have been having a drought of sorts in my relationship with the Lord.  I've been struggling to get through Leviticus (in my bible-in-a-year plan) and my prayer life has also been really affected lately. I haven't felt the motivation to be with the Lord, and therefore I stopped actively seeking Him. My bible reading stopped, and my prayer life started drying up.  Storms? Storms I can handle.  Mountains, valleys....all the ups and downs that come with Life.  But drought?? The drying up of your emotions, of your experiences, of your soul, THAT is a struggle for me. THAT is what makes me hole up in a shed and hide somewhere.  THAT is what robs me of my intimacy with the Lord.

And since I have not yet addressed my relationship with the Lord, either in my monthly resolutions, or in my life in general, this month has become a month of the Lord.  They say that March is the best month for cleansing, be it physical, material, or spiritual.  And this is my spiritual cleansing month. I need to get rid of all my idols, anything and everything that takes my focus first before the Lord, and get back to the heart of Us.  Meaning my scripture reading and meditation returns, I actively sit and wait upon the Lord- to speak, to move, to show Himself to me.  If I truly believe in Him, and believe Him, I'll start acting like it.  And that begins today.  One step at a time.  He's just waiting for me to slow down and let Him in.

So bring it on, Lord.  I'm finally ready.  Bring it!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Resolution February: Conclusion

I started out this month REALLY great. I was working out every single day, sometimes 2-3 different workouts a day. My body felt great, my energy was up, I could really see some muscle tone improvement.

Then.......I got sick. I was sick for the last 2 weeks of February, and I didn't work out ONE TIME. I'm still struggling to get my voice, health, and energy back. So I won't be working out til that happens.

I do feel that, even though I didn't finish an entire month of exercise, the month was a success.  I realized how good it felt to really take care of my body, and how much healthier I felt, in general.  As soon as I kick this sickness, I'll hop back on the bandwagon and see if I can't reach my goal weight before May.  Here we go!