Sunday, May 27, 2012



Jehovah Jireh

One question has really been bouncing around in my head and my heart lately. A question I've only recently begun to truly analyze and apply.

How would our lives change if we truly believed God was walking with us, and that His thoughts, His opinions, were the only things that mattered?

Recently, I was speaking with my pastor's wife about some emotional endurance issues I'd been having, and she encouraged me with the story of Moses. Here was a man who led thousands and thousands of grumbly, complain-y, rude people around a wilderness for forty years. Every other day they were either mad at him or mad at his wife, and on opposite days they were trying to mutiny against the Lord. They break for camp one day, Moses schlepps up a mountain to sit in God's presence for a while, and all (forgive my lack of a better word) hell breaks loose in base camp. The ultimate mutiny- they throw God out the window, make golden statues of animals, and begin to worship them because God doesn't answer their prayers the way they want Him to.

This is what I imagine Moses looked like.
You can tell he's angry because of the beard and the pointing.

Moses comes back down the mountain to see all this, throws some pretty rare stones on the ground, turns around, and treks back up the hill to God. "Lord," he says, "These people suck. They complain, they argue, nothing I say or do is ever right. But I will continue to lead them, to listen to them, to offer than encouragement and advice, whatever You want or ask...just let me be with You right now. Just let me sit in Your presence and be encouraged, because their opinions and words don't matter. Only Yours."

Moses found his self-esteem, his encouragement, his fulfillment in the Lord. He didn't allow the people around him to fill his head or his heart with discouragement, negativity, or a false sense of self based on their emotional opinions.

It got me thinking: if I truly pressed into the Lord rather than people, if I really allowed my emotional sustenance to come from Him rather than seeking it from other people, how would my life change? How much more courage would I face my days with? What obstacles or fears could I overcome if I only focused on God's opinion? What steps of absolute faith could I blindly take, knowing He was with me?

No, we are not meant to be islands, we are created as relational people. But those relationships don't necessarily have to impact or affect you, especially negatively. Someone recently shared with me a revelation that when we take on people's negative opinions or statements, we are giving them the authority that only God should possess to speak into our lives. He is the only Truth. We as people are fallible, emotional, broken people, and the adage Hurt people hurt people absolutely applies.

How would our lives change, how would our spirits, our attitudes change, if we really believed that God's opinion of us was the only one that mattered? If we really believed He was real, that He walked with us...  Of all of God's different names, two have been really impressed on me in the recent past: Immanuel, which means God With Us, and Jehovah Jireh, which means God Has Provided. I think that really wraps up His character beautifully: He walks with us, talks with us, lives in us... and He has already provided, even for the things we have yet to ask Him for. He is a Provider, and His provisions sustain us and spur us on along our journeys.

 It helps if you hold hands.

I think life would be easier to handle if we took back the position of influence people have in our lives, and gave it back to the Lord, the only true owner of that place. When we actively seek Him, when we sit back and listen, when we allow Him to be the voice of Reason and Truth and Life... wow. What healing we might experience, and what incredible things we could accomplish. Amen.

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