I recently spent a few days in Washington DC to herald in my best friend Sarah's brand new engagement, under the ruse of helping her move. While there we got to travel the city, see the sites, and spend some really wonderful bestie time together- all capped by watching Bryan propose to her. It was magical.
It was also a long, exhausting, crazy trip. The normally 9 hour drive there was extended by picking up her youngest sister (to help with the proposal), stopping for bathroom breaks for 3 women, and stopping at kmart to pick up supplies for the proposal (it was going to be an EVENT). The normally 9 hour drive back home was even worse, with the first snow of the year deciding to fall on the day we left. Driving went from a breezy 70 mph to a slow and torturous 24 mph for the better part of 2 hours, with visibility dropping to just in front of the nose of the car. It was awful. But also TOTALLY WORTH IT!
During my time in DC, it was made very clear to me that I have a lot to learn about myself...and life.
~I'm the only person on the planet who does not dress completely in black apparel...from head to foot.
~I dehydrate easily.
~I live to make excuses for eating terribly while on the road.
~I love road trips. Even when I hate them. I love them.
~Road trips make me feel like an adult.
~Lateral Thinking games quickly and easily became my new obsession.
~Nothing is better than sitting at a coffee shop, drinking a latte, talking and laughing with your best friend.
~West Virginia is not as bad a state as I seem to remember.
~Always pack for unexpected weather, particularly the cold kind.
~12* is freaking cold.
~Fuzzy boots do not protect against snow or rain or whatever else happens to be on the ground.
~As cute as those new knee-length boots are, the blisters they create after walking for 6 hours are not.
~I absolutely need to live in a big city.
~My best friend is going to be the most beautiful bride in the history of brides. Ever.
~Ice cream is never a good idea on a cold day.
~Junk food tastes great while you're eating it...but you're going to feel like trash the second it hits your stomach. Particularly if you eat a lot of it.
~Water runs through your system much faster than anything else you might drink. Unless you're willing to make 9 stops on the way home (yep), regulate how much water you consume.
~I can drive 9 hours by myself. I've done it before. It is infinitely easier to drive with someone else in the car with you.
~Bring a pillow with you. Bring a pillow with you. Bring a pillow with you.
~I should always pack my own breakfast materials on trips, because no one ever eats breakfast when they have guests.
~I'm not 15 anymore and I very clearly cannot stay awake all night long and then attempt to function the next day.
~My lips will stay chapped no matter how often or how much I slather chap stick on them.
~I should never walk around with cash on me. The second someone asks me for change, I can't lie. And I end up giving away everything on me.
~Always have tons of money in your bank account. You will inevitably spend far more than you plan to.
~Parking is freaking expensive.
~I could easily ride the metro to work every day. Even if it takes up an hour or two of my day. Reading time, anyone??
~Apparently everyone on the planet carries a rolling suitcase with them...except me.
~I'm not rich enough to visit big cities.
~Watching my best friend be proposed to was the single most exciting, beautiful, and wonderful thing I've ever seen. Getting to be a part of it was even more incredible.
~I am a lucky, lucky, blessed person.
Currently Doing: Blog 1 of 3 for today. Lots of updates to write about!
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