This is one of my favorite stories in the New Testament. So much truth! This is the story of Peter's miraculous escape from prison. (If you haven't read it before, take a moment to check it out now, before you read on). Here are some truths God revealed to me:
Peter was in prison for preaching and teaching the gospel...basically for being part of the church (church meaning a group of people dedicated to following, and discipling others to follow, the teaching's of Christ...not church meaning a building). James, his brother in Christ, has JUST been killed for the same reason that Peter was now in prison. It was
the night before his scheduled "trial," and what was Peter doing?
Sleeping. Not only was he completely asleep, but he was so deeply asleep, that when an angel of the Lord showed up to rescue him, he thought he was dreaming. First and foremost, that is a man deeply relaxed. He clearly trusted in the Lord, even to death. That is some faith.
So the angel of the Lord showed up to rescue Peter, and scripture says
"a light shone in the cell" (v.7) but even that didn't wake him up. So the angel
"struck Peter on the side." Again- that is some DEEP SLEEP. Peter wasn't playing around with his faith. He knew God was going to either deliver him, or let him meet Him face to face. And he was good with either outcome.
So the angel showed up, woke Peter, and brought him out of prison. Peter didn't snap out of it and realize reality was slapping him in the face until the angel left him in the streets, far away from the prison. Not only had Peter
walked out of prison, but he did so with
"four squads of four soldiers each" (v.4) watching him, and
"passing by the first and second guards... [they] came to the IRON GATE leading to the city. It opened for them BY ITSELF, and they went through it" (v.10, emphasis mine). What?? Guards, whose only job was to WATCH PRISONERS, suddenly were asleep or blind to a physical man physically walking by them? They knew what would happen if a prisoner escaped (v.19). This wasn't new news to them. They had a lot riding on keeping prisoners IN PRISON. But the Lord rescues. Period. And nothing man can do can stop Him.
Meanwhile, while all this was happening, the church was gathered together, praying for Peter's rescue. Not only were they praying, scripture says in v. 5 that they were
earnestly praying. Their prayers had some gusto. They, too, knew that James had just been killed for the same reason Peter was in prison. They knew what was to happen. But they also knew that God is a living, listening God, and that He was faithful and would answer them. Scripture says not only once, but
twice that people were gathered together, praying. Obviously, this is an important lesson for us. Prayer is pretty important- we should be interceding for people
at all times, and
earnestly. We should
know that God hears us, and is listening to what we say.
Two things strike me most about this passage. First- Peter knows where to go. He knows to show up at Mary-the-mother-of-John's house. This is where everyone had gathered to pray. Had he at one time or another gathered at this same place with the church? Did he know there would be people there, praying for him? Or did he simply feel this was a safe place to go after walking out of prison? I really believe he knew this would be where his church, his
family, was. He could have gone anywhere, but he showed up here, a place owned by a woman who had been actively involved in the lives of Jesus' disciples and their ministries. He knew what was up.
Second- when he knocked on the door, two things happened. The servant girl
knew the sound of his voice without seeing his face. She knew it so well, she ran back to the church gathered,
without opening the door to let Peter in, to tell them he had showed up. Here, again, is an incredible testament to true faith. She was, no doubt, in the midst of the church praying for Peter's rescue. I have no doubt she also knew the small likelihood of his rescue, owing to those guards we recently talked about. And yet, when he knocked on the door and called out that it was Peter, she not only recognized his voice alone (proving he had definitely been there before, and often) but she believed in his rescue, and was
overjoyed (v.14) to the point that she forgot to let him in. Wow. Amazing. The second thing that happened was that the church (who had been
earnestly praying to the Lord for Peter) not only doubted his rescue, but told the servant girl she was
"out of [her] mind."
So they had not just been praying, but praying EARNESTLY for the rescue of Peter... but when it happened, they doubted? What?
What did they think was going to happen? Why were they praying, if all they were going to do was not believe? Did they really believe God was listening? Did they believe He could deliver Peter? Or not? And if they didn't believe, why were they praying? And if they
did believe, why did they doubt when he showed up at their doorstep? Further, when the servant girl
"kept insisting" (obviously some time had gone by), they said,
"It must be his angel" (v.15)
No big deal. We'll just pray to the Lord for rescue, or an answer, or
something, and then when He delivers, we'll pass it off as coincidence. Isn't that so like us?
Please, God, answer me. Send me a sign. Show me You're here! ...Oh, that gust of wind? Oh, the power just flickered on and off? Oh, my favorite worship song came on the radio? Huh. Funny coincidence.
When the church finally wised up and went to see who, in fact, was at the door, they opened it, and
"were astonished"
Why are we so amazed when God does what we ask Him to do? Why are we so shocked when He shows up? If we believe in God, we must
believe God, too. And if we ask Him for things and He delivers, we must give Him the glory for it, and not the doubt of our own unbelieving, skeptical hearts. He's faithful. Even when we aren't. And we can't blame Him for our misguided mis-belief. Have some faith when you pray! And when He shows up, know that it's because He loves you and listens to you, and wants to give you the desires of your heart.
So when people in your life (or perhaps people you don't even know) are in trouble,
pray earnestly for them,
intercede for them, and
trust that God will show up. Because Hi will.
Praise Him.