Friday, October 21, 2011

Update, Schmupdate

Wow.  Life is CRAZY. And AMAZING.  So much has been going on!

This blog started as a record of my journey toward finding a career, or at least figuring out what I'm doing with my life right now, so I'll start out with an update on my job: I recently had an informal interview to become a Service Professional at Red Lobster.  Basically I'd be doing the same thing I do anyway on weekend nights, I would just have more authority to help other servers out with issues in the dining room, rowdy tables, and messed up checks.  I don't want to become a manager with this company, because I'm called to other things, but I'm definitely going to stay with this company until I find a full-time position at a church as a Girls' Minister. Red Lobster is huge and I can travel anywhere I need to go and still have a job. I'm hoping to hear back, and positively, soon.

In the area of yoga, amazing things are happening. My students are growing in leaps and bounds, breaking down physical and emotional boundaries more and more every week.  Poses are becoming more accessible to them, and to myself, as I continue growing along with them.  Admittedly, I'm not taking classes enough for myself, having a schedule that rivals the President's, but I'm still working as often as I can.  My students can't grow if their teacher is not growing.

As most of you know, I've been running off and on since this past spring. Well...more off than on if I'm completely honest with myself.  There is a loop around campus from my house that measures 2.2 miles. My roomie and I used to run it every once and awhile, and my bestie and I got into a really sweet habit of walking it every other night this summer.  But I haven't really been faithful in continuing to train. I started running with my friend Casey 2-3 times a week, just to have an opportunity to hang out with her. The farthest I could ever go was just over 2 miles, and that was a streeettttccchhhh.  I decided to go ahead and sign up to run the EKU Homecoming 5K, because...well... why not? It's only 3.1 miles. Since signing up for it, our schedules have gotten completely overwhelming, and we haven't had a chance to run together in 2 weeks.  Earlier this week, after having taken 10 whole days off, I decided I'd give it another go. The 5K is this weekend, I should at least attempt to run a little.  I started at 2 1/2 miles. I thought I'd conquered the world.  My elation was unparalleled. After work, two days later, I threw on my running shoes and hit the pavement.  I was back at my old loop, thinking I'll just run this 2.2 and be finished for the day.  A little less than a quarter mile from home, I felt God asking me to just keep going.  What was I going to lose? "Yes, Lord." And so I did. I just kept going! And 53 minutes, 41 seconds and 4.66 miles later, I was finished.  4.66 MILES!!  Unbelievable!! It really is a mental game.  Once I hit the 2 mile mark, the world is mine! I feel SO good about myself, and SO good about my first official 5K (which rocks my world tomorrow). Breaking down walls one step at a time!

It's also gotten cold enough that I've taken up my favorite wintry activity: knitting and crocheting!  I feel complete again. So far this month I've completed 4 slouchy hats, and started work on a new pair of mittens.  Also, I started a stitching group for the women of my church.  We meet every other Thursday at a local coffee shop for 2 1/2 hours to talk, laugh, enjoy being outside our homes and, of course, get our winter projects finished.  I know I'm such a grandma, but it brings me so much joy!

Speaking of church, you know we've been on a 3 week rotation interpreter-wise (2 weeks on, 1 week off), and I've really struggled with it. I hate not interpreting every week.  This is the first time in 7 years I've sat through a service without signing anything at all, and it stinks.  BUT it's given me an incredible opportunity to volunteer elsewhere in church on my week off. I've become a greeter! Ha, never thought I'd go there.  But, indeed, I have. On my week off, which is my week of greeting, I go to both services, hand out things, hold doors open, and just in general welcome people to church. Beyond that, it's given me the opportunity to meet new people.  As an interpreter, I spend 100% of my time near or on the stage. The first thing I do when I show up is run to the sanctuary to meet with the other interpreter, figure out who is doing what, and greet the Deaf member(s). Then we spend the whole service interpreting under lights that DO NOT allow you to see past the first row, and after the service I spend 20 minutes getting feedback from the other interpreter(s) and Deaf member(s). So by the time I make it back out to the lobby everyone is gone. I didn't realize how much my eyes have been shut to the other members of my church.  Having the opportunity to stand at a door and say hello to everyone has been such an awesome blessing.  I've met more people in my church in one week of greeting than in an entire year of interpreting. I get to greet again this coming Sunday.  And while I'll miss interpreting, I greatly look forward to meeting more new friends, and seeing old ones.

Also, after church we've been going to my pastor's house for lunch (all college-aged students...and some a little, and that has morphed into an in-depth discussion of relationships, dating, singlehood, and the innards of male and female thought and behavior.  We affectionately call it Table Talk, because it started around a table in the kitchen one random Sunday afternoon.

Further, after that's all said and done, a small portion from this group have gone out to the local park to play ultimate frisbee and soccer the last several Sundays followed by, of course, more eating.  It's been SUCH JOY to play soccer again! I've lost any resemblance to skill I once had, and ALL my endurance, but I LOVE IT. I'm devastated that winter's a'comin' and soccer will most likely have to be put on the backburner until it warms up. But I could definitely be up for a Snow Cup or two.

In conclusion...I have so much to be thankful for. I lead such an incredibly blessed, joyful life.  Shame on me for complaining about dumb, impermanent things. So what if I have a rough day? So what if things don't go my way? The Lord is a pursuer, and He shows me daily that He thinks I'm lovely enough to invest in, again and again and again, even if I'm blind to what He's doing.  May I never lose sight of the small, incredible things the Lord does to tell me He loves me.

Currently watching: a Friends marathon.


  1. You sound so much like a person I'd really like to know in 'real life'. I hope I can come to some knitting next time! Super congrats on your 5k!
